Maite y Manuel
Rotten Candy
The Rotten Candy exhibition by Maite y Manuel (Uruguay, 1996 & 1991) at the Palau de Casavells is the result of their time at the artist residency at Alzueta Gallery in La Bisbal during the past month of March. Between figuration and overflowing expression, Maite y Manuel create a pictorial universe that is both confrontation and harmony, a dialogue between two hands that work as one.
Their world is not peaceful. In it, paint drips, overflows, twists into the grotesque and the erotic, the tender and the viscous. Their images are like spoiled candies: sweet at first, sour afterward, and ultimately corrupted. Maite y Manuel create a pictorial territory that challenges the stability of form, where the rotten and the sweet coexist in the same texture, creating a pulse of constant transformation. André Breton stated, «beauty will be convulsive or it will not be,» and it is in that jolt, in that convulsion, where their work is inscribed. Like an echo of surrealist psychic automatism, their creative process emerges from impulsive gestures, shared drawing without rational censorship, where images surface with the urgency of the unconscious.
11-04-2025 to 08-06-2025
Palau de Casavells
C/ Santa Llúcia, 1
17121 Casavells, Girona
Tel: +34 638 721 553
Opening Friday, March 14th
Friday and Saturday: 11:00 – 14:00 / 17:00 – 20:00
Sunday: 11:00 – 14:00