Bertrand Fournier
Île de France, France, 1985
Lives and works in Janvill Sur Juine, France
“My work goes a little in all directions, that’s why I work in series. It allows me not to lock myself in a technique, a palette – I prefer to keep a certain freedom. Each series takes me to another. However now the fact of preparing solo shows makes me work differently because if these series are the basis of my work, I detach myself to prepare my shows, to give them a proper meaning. I mainly use oil because I like its appearance and the fact that it keeps the imprint of the brush intact. I also use chalk oil and gesso which I diverted the use of. I do not rule out trying acrylic one day.”
Bertrand Fournier
Oysters I, Gallery Nono, The Hague, Netherlands (2023)
A pretty death, Yuso Giner, Madrid, Spain (2022)
Méchoui, Alzueta Gallery, Barcelona, Spain (2021)
Matryoshkas, Sebastian Fath Contemporary, Mannheim, Germany (2020)
On & Off, Alzueta Gallery, Barcelona, Spain (2020)
YogUrt, The other space, Andersen’s, Copenhagen (2020)
Childhood memories, Piermarq, Sydney, Australia (2020)
Some pieces of my minds, The Delphian Gallery, London, UK (2019)
Art Up de Lille, Galerie Detais, Lille, France (2019)
Happy, Sebastian Fath Contemporary, Mannheim, Germany (2019)
The game can begin, Zweisieben Gallery, Karlsruhe, Germany (2018)
Rue Agora, Champceuil, France (2017)
Nature, Sebastian Fath Contemporary, Mannheim, Germany (2023)
Floralia, Alzueta Gallery, Barcelona, Spain (2022)
The sun also rises, Everyday Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium (2021)
Seasons: the wander of looking, Museum Dhondt-Dhaennens, Platform 6a, Otegem, Belgium (2021)
Monochrom II, Sebastian Fath Contemporary, Mannheim, Germany (2019)
L’invitation, Galerie Sabine Bayasli, Paris, France (2019)
Tinta negra, Las formas de la luz, Alzueta Gallery, Barcelona, Spain (2019)
Catamaran, TS Studio, London, UK (2019)
Cosmik Debris, VSOP projects, Greenport, USA (2018)
The art plug power house, The art plug, Miami, USA (2018)
Art The Hague,WTC Art Gallery, The Hague, Netherlands (2018)
Christie’s & Paddle 8 auction sale, Deurle, Belgium (2018)
The white show, Sebastian Fath Contemporary, Mannheim, Germany (2018)
Celeste, Galerie Sophie Le Filleul, Paris, France (2018)
A return to smooth space, The Dot Project, London, UK (2018)
Weiss, Sebastian Fath Contemporary, Mannheim, Germany (2018)
Hashtag, Sebastian Fath Contemporary, Mannheim, Germany (2018)
Hide & seek, Arscoco, Madrid, Spain (2018)
Art cabinet, Arscoco, Madrid, Spain (2017)
GIFC Vancouver (2017)
GIFC Copenhagen (2017)
KunstRaï, Gallery Nono, Amsterdam, Netherlands (2023)
Art Dubaï, YUSTO Giner, Dubaï, United Arad Emirates (2022)
Zona Maco, Yusto Giner, Mexico (2022)
KunstRaï, Gallery Nono, Amsterdam, Netherlands (2021)
Art The Hague, Gallery Nono, The Hague, Netherlands (2021)
Estampa, Yusto Giner, Madrid, Spain (2021)
Art Miami, Yusto Giner, Miami, USA (2021)
Volta NY, Piermarq, New York, USA (2020)
Art Paris, Grand Palais, Paris, France (2020)
KunstRaï, Gallery Nono, Amsterdam, Netherlands (2020)
Art The Hague, Galery Nono, The Hague, Netherlands (2020)
Galerientage, Sebastian Fath Contemporary, Mannheim, Germany (2019)
Sammlung Reinhard Ernst, Wiesbaden, Germany
Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, Sint-Martens-Latem, Belgium
Tanguy Van Quickenborne, Gent, Belgium
AEGON, Den Haag, Netherlands