Isabel Servera
Mallorca, Spain, 1986
Lives and works in Barcelona, Spain
“My work focuses on mechanical actions that involve repetition, accumulation, and routines taken to the extreme. I am interested in executing specific tasks, being a machine, producing, looking for the nonsense of doing. What is art for? What is its function? These questions always bring me to the pointless, the absurd.
The works that are part of this project have different chromatic scales. I start from the selection of colors given by the manufacturer of the pens, and I repeat the sequence until I cover the entire surface of the paper, drawing lines with several “strokes” of each one of the pens. Following an orderly pattern of movements I generate patterns, thus establishing a relationship with the lines in the paper similar to the weaver with his textile work.
Once the pattern of the artwork is set, all I have to do is to work.
Manual work is having a huge momentum and it is establishing comparisons with the artistic processes. In this case, the end result of my works remind us of tapestry, in which the weft and warp end up interweaving, being themselves the final image and composition. I use different techniques, production processes and resources, presenting a dialogue between craft, art and painting.”
Isabel Servera
Perímetro de seguridad, Institut d’Estudis Baleàrics, Madrid, Spain (2024)
Perímetre de seguretat, Festival Crea L’H, FASE, L’ Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain (2023)
Encreuats, Palau de Casavells, Casavells, Spain (2023)
Llatrar, Cooldays Festival Artà, Mallorca, Spain (2022)
Project Presentation “Trames”, Alzueta Gallery, Barcelona, Spain (2020)
Fer Temps, Fundación Arranz Bravo, L’ Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain (2019)
Again & again, The Laboratory|Alzueta Gallery, Barcelona, Spain (2015)
Manufacturar, elaborar, producir, Galería The Goma, Madrid, Spain (2012)
Foco Ilhas Baleares, Drawing Room Lisboa, Portugal (2023)
Noves Adquisicions, Casal Solleric, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (2023)
Constel·lacions, Studio Weil, Port d’Andratx, Mallorca, Spain (2022)
Premi Barbara H. Weil, Studio Weil, Port d’Andratx, Mallorca, Spain (2022)
Explicaciones no perdidas, Galería igallery, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (2021)
Our Garden Needs its Flowers, Cenrte d’Art Tecla Sala, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain (2021)
ALART, Can Bou, Alaró, Mallorca, Spain (2021)
Circulació Perifèrica. La Configuració d’una col·lecció, Centre de Cultura Sa Nostra, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (2020)
Fundació Arranz-Bravo 10 anys, Fundación Arranz Bravo, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain (2020)
Premio de Pintura Fundació Vila Casas, Museu Can Framis, Barcelona, Spain (2019)
Premio de Pintura Internacional Guasch Coranty, Centre d’Art Tecla Sala, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain (2018)
La Marca Visible, ArteSantander, Santander, Spain (2017)
ART<35 BS/2016, Sala Parés and Galeria Trama, Barcelona, Spain (2016)
Premio de Pintura Internacional Guasch Coranty, Centre d’Art Tecla Sala, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain (2015)
Frau Jove (intinerant), Hanger, Barcelona, Spain|Furtherfield Gallery, London, UK|Matadero, Madrid, Spain (2015)
Tabula Rasa o la (im)posibilitat de construir una generación, Hilvaria Studios, Hilvarenbeek, Museum Es Baluard, Palma de Mallorca, Spain|MUU Galleria/MUU Kaapeli, Helsinki, (2014-2015)
Quemados por el sol, Mallorca Landings, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (2014)
Dibujo Performativo “Ejercicios y derivas”, Centre Artistic de Sant Lluc, Barcelona, Spain (2014)
Síntesi, Centre d’Art Santa Mònica, Barcelona, Spain (2014)
Be Water My Friend, EART, Barcelona, Spain (2014)
Atelier de Barcelone. Un jeu quotidien, L.A.C. Narbonne, Francia (2013)
Art Jove, Centre de Cultura Ses Voltes, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (2013)
Nuclis de l’emergència, SWAB, Oficina36, Barcelona, Spain (2012)
Drap Art, FAD, Barcelona, Spain (2011)
Biennal de Valls-Premi Guasch-Coranty, Museu de Valls, Tarragona, Spain (2011)
Cambio de Turno, KKKB, Barcelona, Spain (2011)
Art Jove, Centre de Cultura Ses Voltes, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (2011)
Exposición 1, Galería The Private Space By, Barcelona (2011)
Foc Creuat: Art i Ciència al punt de mira, Centre d’Art Santa Mònica, Barcelona, Spain (2011)
Crea + Intermèdia-Producció, Museu de Lleida, Lleida, Spain (2010)
III Certamen de Pintura Juan José Narbón, Cáceres, Spain (2009)
IKAS ART. I Muestra Internacional de Arte Universitario, Vizcaya, Spain (2008)
Untitled, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (2008)
VI Biennale Internazionale Di Pintura, Castello Zavattaro Ardizzi, Torino, Italy (2008)
Ayuntamiento de Palma
Fundació Vila Casas
Fundación Banc Sabadell
Colección DKV
Fondo de Arte Grupo HERA
Colección Piet Moget L.A.C. Narbonne
Fondo de Arte Addaya Centre d’Art Contemporani and further private collections.
Weil Art Echange, New York, USA (2023)
Addaya Centre d’Art Contemporani, Alaró, Mallorca, Spain (2018)
EART, Barcelona, Spain (2013-2015)
HANGAR, Centro de Producción Artística, Barcelona (2011-2013)
Artista del programa Oficina36, Despacho de Gestión Cultural, Barcelona (2011-2013)
II Encontro de Artistas Novos Cidade da Cultura, Santiago de Compostela (2012)
Winner of Barbara H. Weil Prize (2022)
Finalist in Painting Price Award Fundació Vila Casas (2019)
Finalist in International Painting Price Award Guasch Coranty (2018)
Winner of Painting & Photography Award ART<35 BS/2016 (2016)
Selected in International Painting Price Award Guasch Coranty (2015)
Winner of Frau Jove, certamen de arte joven de las Islas Baleares (2014)
Finalist in Art Jove, certamen de arte joven de las Islas Baleares (2012)
Winner of Residu’Art Award (2011)
Finalist in Biennal de Valls – Guasch Coranty (2011)
Awarded in Crea + Intermèdia-Producció (2011)
Finalist in Art Jove, certamen de arte joven de las Islas Baleares (2010)