Gabrielle Graessle
Zurich, Switzerland, 1956
Lives and works in Málaga, Spain
“I paint all what surrounds me, what I see.
My work is intuitive and inspired by all what takes my interest. All becomes form, enters into my drawings and paintings: animals, nature, fashion, films, books, news, also feelings, music, images from childhood up to now, without restrictions.
I start my work intuitively with or without an idea. It takes then on a life of its own, goes somewhere else entirely. Often, I develop the ideas from my drawings and transform them into my paintings.
My paintings are colourful, figurative, kitsch and large, sometimes with text, mostly 180 x 260 cm, done with acrylic, spray and sometimes glitter. I love large paintings, I like to be surrounded by my imagery, to immerse completely in my world of images.
I work normally on 4-6 paintings at the same time and switch between drawings and paintings, which frees me again and again and also leads to new topics. I draw and paint without thinking, pin the drawings on the wall and don’t look longer at them. The drawings are not looking for a result.
I live and work in a group of old cottages in the south of Spain where I have several studios to paint and to draw. I hate routine and I always listen to music when I work. I turn the music on and then I let it happen.”
Gabrielle Graessle
Gabrielle Graessle was born in Zurich, Switzerland and has been fascinated by painting and drawing since she was a child. She attended Zurich Art School for 5 years, where she completed a degree in graphic design. Her first exhibitions took place while she was still a student. During this time, she made mainly black and white charcoal drawings spontaneously depicting her personal imagery.
For 15 years, she was represented by various galleries in Switzerland. Many of her charcoal drawings hang in private and public collections. At the beginning of 2000, she and her partner emigrated to France and later to Spain, where they built and redesigned old houses. For years they moved from one renovation project to the next. At that time, her means of expression were mainly drawings and sketchbooks.
In 2015, she settled down in Andalusia. She decided to immerse herself completely in her imaginary world again and to express herself in large format, colored, intuitive and figurative paintings.
Her studio is located in a group of old cottages in the middle of nowhere. There are no distractions, and she can fully concentrate on her work in a secluded setting in nature. There she works on several canvases at the same time, creating multiple series of paintings.
At the same time, drawings are still an important part of her work. These are spontaneous expressions of her thoughts and stories. They are often the starting point for her paintings. In 2020, she restarted to present her art at art fairs in Barcelona and Madrid, and participated in group shows in Germany and France.
Himmelblau, Ainori Gallery, Lisboa, Portugal (2024)
Carambole, Alzueta Gallery, Madrid, Spain (2024)
On the Milky Way, Simchowitz Gallery, Los Angeles, USA (2024)
Never Be Lonely, Alzueta Gallery, Barcelona, Spain (2023)
Balla Balla, Freight and Volume Gallery, New York City, USA (2023)
Bla Bla, Jouen Gallery, Seoul, South Korea (2023)
Piff Paff Puff, Pulpo Gallery, Murnau, Germany (2023)
Coo Coo Ca Choo, Galeria Yusto/Giner, Marbella, Spain (2022)
Gabrielle Graessle Solo Exhibition, Mickys Art, Melbourne, Australia (2022)
Yee Yee, Alzueta Gallery, Barcelona, Spain (2021)
Blow me up, The Map Gallery, Berlin, Germany (2024)
Sticker Album, Pulpo Gallery, Murnau, Germany (2024)
Piece of Mind, Jouen Gallery, Seoul, South Korea (2024)
Selfies part I, Schonfeld Gallery, Brussels, Belgium (2024)
New Portraits, Alzueta Gallery, Barcelona, Spain (2024)
Thread the Needle, Verduyn Gallery, Moregem, Belgium (2023)
13-A-Dozen, Gallery Sandberg, Odense, Denmark (2023)
New Landscapes, Alzueta Gallery, Barcelona, Spain (2023)
A Place in the Sun, FIR Gallery, Bejing, China (2022)
Small Lucky, Jouen Gallery, Seoul, South Korea (2022)
Summer Show, Piermarq, Sidney, Australia (2022)
Eine Frau ist eine Frau ist eine Frau, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, Switzerland (2022)
Unterm Strich, Forum für aktuelle Kunst, Villa Claudia, Feldkirch, Austria (2022)
Freight and Volume Gallery, New York City, USA (2022)
Dreampaper, Slika Gallery, Lyon, France (2022)
Rebel Waltz, IRL, New York, USA (2022)
Puff Puff Paint, Shit Art Club, Los Angeles, USA (2022)
Internationally renowed street and contemporary artists from around the globe, Mickys Art, Melbourne, Australia (2022)
Paper, Beers London, London, UK (2022)
Useful Things II, Berlin, Germany (2022)
Floralia, Alzueta Gallery, Barcelona, Spain (2022)
Album de Familia, Alzueta Gallery, Madrid, Spain (2022)
Like a slight hiccup, La Grange Gallery, Cermay-Lès-Reims, France (2022)
Rarity Gallery, Mykonos, Greece (2022)
Rarity Gallery, Mykonos, Greece (2021)
Useful Things I, Uxval Gochez Gallery, Barcelona, Spain (2021)
Paperworks Vol. I, NBB Gallery, Berlin, Germany (2020)
Group Exhibition, Galerie Rompone, Köln, Germany (2020)
Way Out, La Grange Galley, Cermay-Lès-Reims, France (2020)
GALLERIES ART FAIR, Jouen Gallery, Suwon, South Korea (2024)
ART BRUSSELS DISCOVERY, Freight and Volume Gallery, Brussels, Belgium (2024)
DALLAS ART FAIR, Galleri Urbane, Dallas, USA (2024)
FUTURE FAIR, Freight and Volume Gallery, New York City, USA (2023)
KIAF, Alzueta Gallery, Seoul, South Korea (2023)
ART BUSAN, Joeun Gallery, Busan, South Korea (2023)
URVANITY ART FAIR, Alzueta Gallery, Madrid, Spain (2023)
ZONA MACO, Alzueta Gallery, CDMX, Mexico (2023)
ART MIAMI, Alzueta Gallery, Miami, USA, (2022)
ART TAIPEI, Ting Ting Art Space, Seoul, South Korea (2022)
KIAF, Alzueta Gallery, Seoul, South Korea (2022)
ART FAIR SEOUL, Alzueta Gallery, Seoul, South Korea (2022)
URVANITY ART FAIR, Galeria Yusto/Giner, Madrid, Spain (2022)
ART BUSAN, Galeria Yusto/Giner, Busan, South Korea (2022)
ART MIAMI, Galeria Yusto/Giner, Miami, USA (2021)
SWAB BARCELONA, Granada Gallery, Barcelona, Spain (2020)
ANOTHER FAIR, Granada Gallery, Madrid, Spain (2020)
UBS Art Collection, Zurich, Switzerland
Julius Baer Art Collection, Switzerland
Kunstsammlung der Stadt, Zurich, Switzerland
Kunstsammlung des Kantons, Zurich, Switzerland
Sammlung Andreas Zuest, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, Switzerland
Nina Gscheider and Franz Ihm, Vienna, Austria
Miquel Alzueta, Barcelona, Spain
Hildegard Collection, Berlin, Germany
Stefan Simchowitz, Pasadena, California, USA