Jin Angdoo
Yeoju, South Korea, 1981
Lives and works in Los Angeles, USA
Korean-American artist Jin Angdoo originally studied design and experimental filmmaking, and later worked as a commercial director, until she was introduced to graffiti by group of friends who later became known as Moderne Jazz collective. Inspired by their practice and style, she began painting with them on the street and developed her own painting vocabulary of floral symbols arranged in minimal compositions. Her studio practice aims to create equivalent energy, spontaneity, and imperfection of the street painting onto her large canvases.
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BA Design/Media Arts, UCLA, Los Angeles, United States of America.
La Tentation du Paysage, Moderne Jazz collective, Les Îles Mardi, Brussels, Belgium (2024)
What Abstract Art Means To Me, Alzueta Gallery, Barcelona (2024)
Plaine, Lagon Revue, Villa Belleville, Paris, France (2022)
Abstracted, Saatchi Yates, London, England (2022)
Saatchi Yates in Turin, Saatchi Yates, Turin, Italy (2021)
Allez La France, Saatchi Yates, London, England (2021)
Variations, Fotokino, Marseille, France (2020)
Les Fleurs, Fotokino, Marseille, France (2019)
Fanzine Festival!, Paris, France (2019)
FFRRRRVUMVUMTACATC, Module Galerie, Paris, France (2017)
Wall Hangings, Les Gens Heureux, Copenhagen, Denmark (2016)
AMATEURS, Straat Galerie, Marseille, France (2016)
AMATEURS, Galerie 126, Rennes, France (2015)
Farniente, compétition, double piqué, Slika Galerie, Lyon, France (2015)
Allons voir ailleurs si nous y sommes, Zone Sensible, Saint Denis, France (2015)
L’Oasis, Uzerche, France (2022)
Fotokino, Coco Veltum, Marseille, France (2019)
Superseñor, Besançon, France (2019)
Straat Galerie, Marseille, France (2016)
Galerie 126, Rennes, France (2015)